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Welcome to our website

At Tranmoor Primary School, we are all driven by enthusiasm and a desire to achieve. Our school motto, “Inspire, Empower, Achieve” reflects our aims to bring learning alive, making it exciting and stimulating. We aim to provide an environment, which will inspire in children a thirst for learning that continues with them throughout their future school experiences and lives. We encourage all children to aim high and achieve their personal best, academically and socially.


An essential element in achieving all this is through teamwork. We view education as a joint venture, involving everyone – children, parents, staff, Governors and the wider community. We greatly value our partnership with parents and carers and aim to provide frequent opportunities to keep you informed about the ways in which we are working with your child. We believe that developing strong home-school links ensures the best possible opportunity for a child's progress.


Choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions parents make. In deciding on Tranmoor Primary School we recognise the trust you have placed in us. We are confident that with a talented team of teaching and non-teaching staff we can provide a smooth transition for any child joining the school and work together to provide the very best education for them.

School opens at 8.45am ready for lessons starting at 8.55am and closes at 3.15pm

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School Values