1. Parents & Community
  2. School Uniform

School Uniform

School uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence, and a feeling of belonging.

To help our school community to support each other during the cost of living crisis we now have our ‘Tranmoor Uniform Swop Shop’ in the school office entrance area.

Please help yourself to any items your child needs so they can be dressed smartly in school uniform. There is NO cost.

Donations of uniform in good condition (including PE Kit) can be dropped off at the school office.

Lost Property

Lost property currently in school can be found in your child’s classroom. To help us return any items of lost property to their owner please name all belongings.

Unfortunately, we are unable to store items in school that are not claimed and these will be donated to the Swop Shop at the end of each term.



For safety reasons children should avoid wearing jewellery to school. This is on safety grounds as rings, necklaces, bracelets etc. can be hazardous for both the wearer and others.

Children may wear a wrist watch and if your child has pierced ears, small studs may be worn.  These will need to be removed for PE lessons and if your child goes swimming.

Where a child is unable to remove their earrings due to recent piercing, the earrings should be covered with plasters or tape (brought in from home). Children must be taught to manage their earrings themselves under adult supervision as staff are not permitted to remove these.

School takes no responsibility for the safe keeping of jewellery brought to school.